#13: Ones and Zeroes, Scoundrels and Heroes
:Deserting the Digital Utopia feature; Jeremy Hammond and hacktivism
Some radicals believe the internet prefigures a decentralized utopia; others foresee a new digital feudalism of total management and surveillance. In this episode, Clara and Alanis take on the recent CrimethInc. feature "Deserting the Digital Utopia," teasing out some of the limitations and possibilities of resistance that engages with digital technologies. A supporter of imprisoned radical hacker Jeremy Hammond discusses his case. Listeners lambast us on our grievous gaffe from last episode, sketchy cops and masked marchers populate the news, and we announce an anarchist primer competition (even if we can't agree on how to pronounce it). {November 18. 2013}
Notes and Links
You can read the full text of the CrimethInc. feature “Deserting the Digital Utopia”.
To learn more about Jeremy Hammond’s case, visit freejeremy.net, which includes a transcript of his plea agreement and some of his writings. NOTE: if you want to donate to Jeremy’s commissary fund or other expenses, use the “Donate” button on freejeremy.net – he can’t receive money orders and such directly. His family & friends directly maintain the website, so it’s legit.
The statement Jeremy made at his sentencing hearing reveals the extent to which the Stratfor hack was driven by the FBI, as well as his trajectory of radicalization and reflections on his actions.
Here are the the global intelligence files from the Stratfor hack, courtesy of Wikileaks. Also, here is more info on other hacktivist cases that Grace mentioned, including Barrett Brown,w0rmer, the Paypal 14, and the Payback 13.
Also see a recent article comparing Alan Turing, Chelsea Manning, and Jeremy Hammond in a fascinating analysis of gender, sexuality, digital technology, recuperation, and resistance.
Here are the dates for the east coast speaking tour of our South American comrades reporting on the June 2013 uprisings in Brazil. UPDATE: In addition to the dates listed on the blog post, there will be an event in Atlanta on November 21st.
Check out the Carrboro Anarchist Book Fair’s Anarchist Primer Competition! Parameters are 5,000 words or less, no longer than 20 pages, photocopyable for mass distribution, and intended to introduce anarchist ideas to a broad audience. The book fair takes place November 23rd… get writing!
Here’s the “Pepper Spraying Cop” blog satirizing John Pike, former UC Davis cop who was just awarded $38,000 in worker’s comp for “mental distress” after a national backlash against his brutality.
Reports from the November 5th “Million Mask Marches” called by the hacktivist movement Anonymous in Denver, Atlanta, Washington DC, and London.
And here you can read the interview with Bill Gates we referenced.