The lengthiest articles in our second issue are an analysis of last summer’s protests against the G8 meeting in Scotland, a retrospective on squatting and resistance culture in northern Europe, and an in-depth discussion of subcultural marginality and refusal that is to dropping out what the first issue’s sixteen-page feature article was to protest activism. The last of these is rounded out by an inside report on the workings of current labor unions, a memoir of gender mutiny, and an account of how to establish a squatted community center; other highlights include an intimate reflection on the patterns by which abusive relationships perpetuate themselves and a primer on communications technology for direct action. This issue also features plenty of the unorthodox fare that distinguishes CrimethInc. projects from the sometimes listless work of other radicals: a haunting fairy tale, cutting edge games to play between more serious adventures, a crossword puzzle, and sheet music for a classic blues song about the preponderance of bread products in the dumpsterer’s diet.

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